8 months Treatment
Class I: Narrow arch with dental crowding

By gracious permission of Dr. G. Perrotti

Class II: Hyper Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class II: Normo Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class I: Narrow arch with dental crowding

By gracious permission of Dr. G. Perrotti

Class I: Hyper Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Classe I: Normo Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Classe II: Hipo Divergente

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class I: Deep bite

By gracious permission of Dr. G. Perrotti

Class II: Hypo Divergent - Severe deep bite

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class I: Hyper Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class I: Normo Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Classe I: Hyper Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia

Class II: Hypo Divergent

By gracious permission of Dr. V. Gaveglia